Face Recognition App In React Native using AWS Rekognition
Face Recognition App In React Native using AWS Rekognition

Note: Some images in this blog post aren’t showing up, we are working on resolving it. You could view the same post with all images on medium here. https://medium.com/zenofai/face-recognition-app-in-react-native-using-aws-rekognition-c10b188a6413 In this blog we are going to build an app for registering faces and verifying faces using Amazon Rekognition in React Native. Installing dependencies: Let’s go... » read more

Building a Simple React Application using Redux

In this article I will be building a simple react app that uses redux to manage its state. If you are a complete beginner, I recommend first reading my A Beginners Guide to Understanding Redux article then following this article. For this article, I have built a simple react app that renders a dummy signup... » read more