AWS QuickSight Auto-Narratives to Highlight Insights using Natural Language Processing

Most often analyzing data sets to summarize their main characteristics, is done with visuals. Yet still one has to sift through the visuals, drilling down, comparing values, and rechecking ideas to extract a conclusion. But with QuickSight that is not the case, using its auto-narratives feature, one could extrapolate conclusion from the data analysis or... » read more

Face Recognition App In React Native using AWS Rekognition
Face Recognition App In React Native using AWS Rekognition

Note: Some images in this blog post aren’t showing up, we are working on resolving it. You could view the same post with all images on medium here. In this blog we are going to build an app for registering faces and verifying faces using Amazon Rekognition in React Native. Installing dependencies: Let’s go... » read more